Los Altos United Methodist Preschool
Los Altos United Methodist Preschool
Here learning is fun!
Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule
7:00-9:00 Opening Room
(Tabletops, books, etc.)
9:00-9:30 Group Time (Calendar, Weekly Topic)
9:30-9:45 SNACK
9:45-10:00 Clean Up (Praise time-Thursday)
10:00-10:45 Outside Play
10:45-11:30 Art Activity/ Lesson Plan Activity
11:30-12:00 Discovery Time (Independent play)
12:00-12:15 Clean Up/Prepare for Lunch
12:15-12:45 LUNCH
12:45-1:00 Clean up/Quiet Time (Books)
1:00-3:15 Rest Time
3:15-3:30 Clean up from Rest Time
3:30-3:45 SNACK
3:45-4:00 Story Time
4:00-4:45 Outside Play
4:45-5:30 Closing Room (Table tops, books, etc.)

Monthly Tuition Fees
2 Days T/TH
3 Days MWF
5 Days M-F
All Day (7:00am-5:30pm)
2 Days T/TH
3 Days MWF
5 Days M-F
A yearly, non-refundable registration fee is required.
We accept two year olds for an additional fee!
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Los Altos United Methodist PreSchool
Los Altos United Methodist PreSchool
LAUMPS Mission:
Los Altos United Methodist Church exists as both model and ministry. Its model is that of Christian community where all children can experience the transcendence of living in a caring, nurturing and healing community. The Preschool seeks to provide a developmentally appropriate atmosphere of Christian nurture, where all children are affirmed as precious and gifted children of a loving God. The children are encouraged to see themselves as valued and worthwhile; and given emotional and spiritual tools for their journey as children of God.
5950 E Willow Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
Mon - Fri: 7:00AM - 5:30PM
Sat & Sun: Closed
(562)598-3713 Office
(562)598-3703 Fax
Wendy Flint, Preschool Director